Examination of Sporting Successes of European Football Clubs with Positive and Negative Transfer Balance Sheet





Football, football economics, transfer, transfer policy


This study aims to examine the relationship between football clubs' transfer expenditures and their sporting success. As football has become an integral part of the global economy, the transfer strategies of clubs play a significant role in both economic and sporting success. Various analyses have been conducted in the literature regarding the relationship between football clubs' positive and negative transfer balances, their league performance, and success in European competitions. The study compares the success of clubs with negative and positive transfer balances between 2019 and 2023, revealing that transfer expenditures do not always directly correlate with sporting success. The results show that while some clubs with high transfer expenditures perform poorly, others with lower spending are able to achieve success. Clubs following positive transfer policies tend to achieve more efficient results, highlighting the importance of long-term strategic investments. Additionally, the research emphasizes that managing transfer expenditures in a balanced and strategic manner is critical for financial sustainability and sporting success. These findings suggest that football clubs should reassess their transfer strategies and adopt a more cost-effective approach.


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How to Cite

Eraslan, A., & Çakıroğlu, T. (2024). Examination of Sporting Successes of European Football Clubs with Positive and Negative Transfer Balance Sheet . Sport Economics Research, 1(1), 59–68. https://doi.org/10.71125/sporteconres.6