An Examination of the Brand Attitudes of Faculty of Sports Sciences Students Towards Sports Products




Attitude, brand, sports products


Branding dates back to ancient times, with early civilizations like the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Chinese sealing items to signify ownership and quality. The modern concept of branding emerged after the Industrial Revolution, as increased population and consumption transformed markets, leading to more retailers. Manufacturers began naming products, securing patents, and using advertising to support their brands. Recently, sports have become crucial for a balanced and healthy lifestyle, preparing individuals psychologically and physiologically. As a global phenomenon, sports gain popularity based on societies' socio-economic conditions and contribute significantly to branding. This study examines the brand attitudes of Ardahan University Faculty of Sports Sciences students toward sports products, considering factors such as gender, age, academic year, licensed athlete status, family income, and annual spending on sports products. The descriptive survey model was employed, with 140 randomly selected students participating. The Brand Attitude Scale (BAS), developed by Polat et al. (2008), was used to assess students’ attitudes. Results showed that brand preferences were influenced by advertisements, prices, product features, logos, and comfort needs. Local products were often favored, indicating conscious selection and habits shaped by advertising and logo preferences.


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How to Cite

Kaya, B. (2024). An Examination of the Brand Attitudes of Faculty of Sports Sciences Students Towards Sports Products. Sport Economics Research, 1(1), 1–10.